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GWBT #21: Plymouth Brewing Company

*This is the twenty-first post in an on-going chronicle dubbed the Great Wisconsin Brewery Tour. Follow the journey here.*

Plymouth Brewing Company. All photos by Joe Powell.

Plymouth Brewing Company
222 E Mill St
Plymouth, WI 53073
(920) 400-1722
Visit date: 08/21/15

Quick Hits:
1) How many different beers?
5 on draught, 45 total brewed

2) How long operational?
Open in this location since April 2013, but just recently signed on a new production facility.

3) Why? (here, this, etc)
“I couldn’t consume all of my own homebrew.”

4) Distribution?
1-barrel system; growlers to go; some local bars serve it

5) What sets you apart?
“It doesn’t feel like just another bar.”

6) How did you get your name?
It’s located in downtown Plymouth. A Plymouth Brewing Company actually used to exist before prohibition, and the current owners tracked down living relatives to get their blessing.

Look for the sign in downtown Plymouth.

Finding a free parking spot directly in front of a brewery on a Friday night did not bode well for my perceived popularity of Plymouth Brewing Company, but upon entering, we found the brewery comfortably full. Don’t judge a book, ya know?

Plus my wife smelled popcorn so there was no turning back.

The bar was decked out with beer memorabilia, including an original Plymouth Brewing Company serving tray from before Prohibition that owner, Joe, found on eBay.

Joe was manning bar with a coworker, where they were serving 5 of their own brews with a smattering of other Wisconsin micro staples. $10 snagged us a sampler of the lot.

The popcorn was free.

Peppersprout Jalepeño Blonde
A peppery tailgating beer.

Hub-A-Tui Tangerine Hefe
Tangerine-tinged wheat beer; not overpowering.

Bubbler Cream Ale
A light beer with a creamy palate.

Nutt Hill Pistachio Nutbrown
Like an Amber with nuts dropped in; Christmas-tasty.

Stafford Coffee Oatmeal Stout
Vanilla/coffee taste; smooth.

“Unfiltered. Unpasteurized. Unsucky.”

Plymouth Brewing Company is a small operation in a small town, but as Joe mentioned to me, “a place like Plymouth can support it.” PBC frequently attracts local customers in thanks to their own beer, and because Joe is admittedly “not a fan of traditional.” The Peppersprout Jalepeño can attest to that. The future plans are for production expansion, with an eye on improving the consistency between batches. Joe’s motto for brewing: “Win or lose, at least we tried it.” The history alone makes it a worthy stop for any beer lover, and the unique, “unsucky” beer is definitely a bonus.

Plymouth Brewing Company’s current production in the back of the bar.

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