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Welcome to Thursdays: Campbell’s Irish Pub

*Keeping your glass filled and spirits high one Thursday at a time! We introduce The Squeaky Curd readers to Welcome to Thursdays, a local social group determined to make your Thursdays more fun. Each Wednesday we feature a fictitious history or dazzling explanation of a Milwaukee County bar that we gather at on Thursday evening – join us weekly!*

Greetings and Salutations my most honorable Thursdians,

Seasons Greetings to all of you! This time of year always brings me joy and happiness, even with winter’s bite! Going into the holidays, I look forward to spending time with my family, but for the first time in my life I have more than one family to spend it with. It is you, my dear Thursdians, that I consider my second family. Thursdays have become something for all of us to look forward to; we laugh, we cry, and we simply enjoy the company of others.

Join us this Thursday as we travel to Campbell’s Irish Pub (4068 S Howell Ave). A festive attitude is recommended as we ring in the holidays together! This reminds me of the timeless holiday poem:

            Twas the Thursday before Christmas, when all through the pub

            Not a Thursdian was sad, they belonged to such a great club

            The Glasses were full of Old Milwaukee with care,

            In hopes that Will Farrell would soon be there.


            The bartenders were working with happiness in their heads,

            With visions of tips and the joy Thursdays spread.

            Your founders still dreaming of putting Thursdays on the map

            With attendance still growing, the most important stat!


            The glisten and sparkle of a newly poured Old Mil,

            Fills the hearts of us all with cheer and goodwill!

            Outside the cold bite of winter affects us all,

            So join us this Thursday and stay warm on our festive pub crawl!


            This founder thanks you all for being so amazing

            Especially The Squeaky Curd, they deserve all the praising!

            The future of Thursdays is looking very bright

             Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!


Even Santa needs the great taste of Old Milwaukee to keep him going!

I look forward to seeing you all out this Thursday at Campbell’s! Good food, good drink, and really great people are what this is all about. I for one am #blessed to be a part of it. I close with a simple wish: may you have the happiest of holidays and appreciate the little things. I am so very thankful to have wonderful people like you in my life and I look forward to future chapters in the story of Thursday nights.

Cheers my friends!

Your Co-Founder and Friend,

Jeremy Blandin


Join us Thursday, December 22, 2016 at Campbell’s Irish Pub, located at  4068 S Howell Ave, Milwaukee (Tippecanoe) at 7:30pm. 


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