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Welcome to Thursdays: Jo-Cat’s Pub

Greetings and Salutations,

Area 51, the lost city of Atlantis, Stonehenge, and the time I ended up in a completely different hotel room with a Norwegian family in Las Vegas: these are all great, great mysteries of the world that we hope to solve one day, but realistically never will. I write this because this week we travel to a pub that simply astonishes me, it is very much a mystery to my eyes. Jo-Cat’s Pub on Brady Street has been providing a party for Milwaukee since 1978, and it has not slowed its pace since then. If you were to walk into the bar back in the day, you would see your standard Milwaukee dive bar: aging wood, creaky floors, the usual. However, when the sun goes down, Jo-Cats truly transforms itself – as if it was having a grand opening every night. Jo-Cats turns into a mad house full of music, people, and a unique energy that this writer truly has never felt.

I’ve only been in Jo-Cat’s once, but it was all I needed to truly understand what everyone was talking about. You see, Jo-Cat’s has in some way, shape, or form been a part of many Milwaukeeans’ memories. For me, I met Packer great Santana Dotson standing outside of Jo-Cat’s with my fellow Co-Founder Kyle and original member Ryan Kempf. (Editor’s note: we also ran into Latrell Sprewell on our first time at Jo-Cat’s.)

For Kyle, Jo-Cat’s truly has a special place in his heart. Like a 90’s Rom-Com, Kyle met Annie’s eyes (WTT member #9) from across the bar and they stayed locked until they met in the middle of the dance floor. They danced the waltz of love that night and it was in that moment that he knew that he did not want to spend another day on this world without her. They are now happily married.

Yes, Jo-Cat’s is indeed a enigma, but it lives on, night after night, memory after memory. We travel there this Thursday in the hopes that you too can have your own Jo-Cat’s memory, you too can understand just why this place lives on. There is an old saying, “Curiosity killed the Cat”. Well in this situation, my dear readers, curiosity has shown this cat how to truly be alive.

Cheers my Friends!

Your Co-Founder and Friend,

Jeremy J. Blandin

*Keeping your glass filled and spirits high one Thursday at a time, this is Welcome to Thursdays: a local social group determined to make your Thursdays more fun. Each week, The Squeaky Curd features a Milwaukee County bar that we gather at on Thursday evening. Join us Thursday, March 7, 2019 at Jo-Cat’s Pub, 1311 E Brady St, at 7:30pm.*

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