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Welcome to Thursdays: McGillycuddy’s

Greetings and Salutations my friends,

We are well in to this Milwaukee Summer and so far it has been a great one. The Brewers are in first place in the NL Central heading into the All-Star break (to fill your head with alllll the Brewers facts and knowledge, check out my co-curdian Rob Petrie’s weekly article The Sunday Cycle). Summerfest took the city by storm for two weeks, and this writer has been getting his golf fix every weekend due to some nice weather. To top that all off, why not go out this Thursday night and enjoy the great times and amazing people of Welcome to Thursdays! You’ve earned it!

This week we travel to a Milwaukee staple that has been around for over 20 years serving up cold brews and dishing out great times. McGillycuddy’s has an amazing atmosphere full of life and energy; whether you are enjoying a Jameson on the rocks inside one of their two bars or enjoying an ice cold beer on their amazing patio area, you are always in for a good time. Speaking of a good time, the name McGillycuddy has a long-standing tradition in Irish culture, especially with the Irish pastime boxing.

Cornelius “Lights Out” McGillycuddy III was known to be one of the best boxers in all of Ireland, he knocked out everyone that faced him and would fight again on one day’s rest! Many people ask how this was possible, and I am happy to say that after hours upon hours of extensive research I have found the answer. Once again, Old Milwaukee plays a major part in our world’s history, as today we learn about Old Milwaukee and the success of Irish fighting.

So from what I know, Cornelius’s family was part of the great move to Milwaukee (see my article on The Black Rose for more details); when they were introduced to Old Milwaukee, they knew they had to get some back to Cornelius in Ireland. When it arrived, Cornelius poured himself a pint, drank it down, and never lost another fight. He always said: “An Old Milwaukee a day keeps other fighters at bay.” Since then, Old Milwaukee and Irish competitive fighting have had a strong alliance. The rest is history.  Let us go out this Thursday and drink to our history and our friends!

Cheers my friends!

Your Co-Founder and Friend,

Jeremy Blandin

*Keeping your glass filled and spirits high one Thursday at a time, this is Welcome to Thursdays: a local social group determined to make your Thursdays more fun. Each Wednesday, The Squeaky Curd features a fictitious history of a Milwaukee County bar that we gather at on Thursday evening. Join us this Thursday, July 13, 2017 at McGillycuddy’s located at 1135 N Water Street at 7:30pm.*

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