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Welcome to Thursdays: The Loaded Slate

Greetings and Salutations,

Ahhh, another Thursday is on the horizon and I simply can’t wait! Every Thursday brings an adventure; but the best Thursdays are the ones when many people have off work the next day. This Thursday is one of those special days, thanks to Good Friday. Any bar that gets to fall on these special Thursdays should consider themselves quite lucky! For this week that luck falls to The Loaded Slate: a bar that wants to be your go-to for all things Milwaukee.

Whether it’s watching the Brewers, Badgers, Packers, or Bucks, or if you want to impress someone with amazing food, The Loaded Slate has you covered. Looking for one of the best Bloody Mary’s in town? They’ve got that too. Looking for one heck of a beer selection? Check, and they even have alcoholic milk shakes! No matter what you are looking for, The Loaded Slate has you covered – so come on out this Thursday night and celebrate with the best damn social club in Milwaukee.

Now the name “Loaded Slate” is one that perplexed me for the longest time. I dug into it and found out the real story dates all the way back to 1941, and it involves Albert Einstein, a missing chalkboard, and a whole lot of Old Milwaukee. Albert Einstein became an official US citizen in 1941 and it was at this time that he fell in love with the great and amazing taste of Old Milwaukee, so much that he set out to mathematically prove that it was truly the best.

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One night while sitting at his desk he found himself without hope and stumped – for the first time, he found himself close to giving up. In a last-ditch effort, Albert grabbed a can of Old Mil for “liquid encouragement”, downed it and decided to grab another… and another…and even more until Albert found he had drank through an entire 30 pack. Suddenly, he started to see in an entirely new dimension and numbers and solutions just started coming naturally. He quickly wrote what he saw on his slate chalkboard, and the thoughts just kept flowing – he wrote all night. When he was finished, he realized that the world may not be ready for the truth; so in a drunken stupor, he hid the board away.

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Albert awoke the next morning lying in his undergarments in the middle of a woods, and he could remember nothing. He returned home to find many higher-ups in the fields of mathematics and science contacting him and claiming he had sent a nationwide telegram stating that he made the world’s greatest discovery – but that it had to remain a secret. They demanded to see it but unfortunately, Albert had forgotten where he put it. He later held a meeting with the math & science community and spoke of his hazy forgotten evening. He stated:  “Unfortunately, I have no recollection of what I did with my findings, but somewhere out there is one loaded slate.” Legend has it that the very board or “slate” is on display at The Loaded Slate.

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Cheers my Friends!

Your Co-Founder and Friend,

Jeremy Blandin

*Keeping your glass filled and spirits high one Thursday at a time, this is Welcome to Thursdays: a local social group determined to make your Thursdays more fun. Each week, The Squeaky Curd features a (generally) fictitious story of a Milwaukee County bar that we gather at on Thursday evening. Join us Thursday, March 29, 2018 at The Loaded Slate, 1137 N Old World 3rd St, at 7:30pm.*

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